HausMo Hello there y’all! Just checked the 5PM news and the prognosis for this week is that there’s a whole ton of big fat fun dripping from the horizon line! Celebrate the magical season of rain and plant!
Later this week, we’ve got a new album coming out from long-time HausMo artist Tiger Village. This is our third album with him… and who doesn’t love trilogies??? While previous Tiger Village albums from us have only been available on cassette, this one is available on cassette and COMPACT DISC! Remember those circle things?
Villagers (that’s what you call a Tiger Village fan) will probably all agree that this is his most progressive, zaniest, brainiest, zoniest zone that he’s ever made. You villagers can make that choice in just a few days, but in the meantime you can swoop in on this delicious track name of “Modern Drummer”: